When it comes to sell your home, you have choices. Should you sell through a real estate agent? Should you sell on your own? Both might be viable options but which one is right for you?
Well, selling through a real estate agent is the most well know option, so you probably already know the advantages of selling that way but selling your own home is an increasingly popular option.
3 Advantages Of Selling Your Own Home In Fresno
Sell It Yourself Advantage #1. You’re In Control
The first advantage of selling your home yourself is that you remain firmly in control. You see, with a real estate agent, they’ll come in with many different ideas and strategies and ultimately tell you how you should sell your home.

They may decide that you should fix something or paint a room or reshingle your roof; and once listed, they’ll tell you when a buyer is coming by and you should be out of the house. It’s hard to feel like you have any control over the situation.
But when you sell your home yourself, you decide what to do. Will you paint that room? Will you reshingle the roof? And what’s more, will you accept buyers at all hours of day and night? You can decide all of this on your own.
Sell It Yourself Advantage #2. You Decide Your Own Terms
The second advantage of selling your house yourself is that you can decide the terms that you want to sell. An agent will often use standard terms in an agreement (they have their own agreement) and although they’ll look to you for the price, they’ll stick to just the basics.
But when you sell your home yourself, you decide the terms. Maybe you don’t want to lower the price. Or maybe you allow seller financing. Or maybe you insist that the buyer doesn’t take possession until a certain time. It’s all up to you and you don’t have to listen to anyone else “advise” you on what is best for you.
Sell It Yourself Advantage #3. No Commissions
The third advantage of selling your house yourself is that there are no commissions to pay. You see, when an agent sells your house, you have to pay them a percentage of the selling price.
Often, that percentage can be as high as 5% of the sales price, which can be thousands of dollars (even tens of thousands of dollars!) for some homes.
But when you sell your home yourself, there is no commission to pay. You keep more of that money in your pocket.
If you’re thinking about selling your home, then skipping the agent and selling yourself will allow you to remain in control, to decide your own terms, and to keep more money in your pocket!